Sunday, May 31, 2015

Holiness to Pentecost 2015

Holiness to Pentecost 2015
Holiness to Pentecost 2015

"From Holiness to Pentecost"

In the postscript of his book entitled, A Survey of 20th-Century Revival Movements in North America, Richard M. Riss makes the following comments:

A resurgence of Evangelical Christianity has been coming about in America since the late 1940s...If the current resurgence continues, it will provide a milieu conducive to the incidence of an awakening of far greater statistical significance and considerably more extensive societal impact than the earlier revivals of this century...

Should God raise up sufficient intercessors for revival, there is a real possibility that a momentous 'Third Great Awakening,' not only in North America but throughout all Christendom, will explode on the modern scene.

Many are alluding to a spiritual awakening in Christendom. I, for one, agree with Mr. Riss and believe that ministers who are calling for a spiritual awakening, especially in America, are right on with their prophetic insight. 

I believe that the coming spiritual awakening in America alone will surpass the impact of the American first and second Great Awakening(s) of the 18th, 19th, and 20th century revivals. If God can intervene in the affairs of man as He has done throughout recorded history, then He will have no problem bringing about the greatest revival in the history of man. I believe this. 

In continuing my series entitled, "An Awakening is Coming," I'd like to conclude the series by documenting some of the important features of the American Holiness movement that began in the middle 19th century, up to the time when it separated from the Pentecostal movement.

One of the important features about the American Holiness movement was the foundation it served for the revivals of the 20th century. It was John Wesley's teaching on "entire sanctification" that started the American Holiness movement. In simple, Wesley's doctrine spoke of a divine work of the Holy Spirit in the life of the believer, subsequent to salvation. From this teaching came many seekers searching for a greater depth to their salvation experience. Because they came seeking, the Lord blessed them with much more. 

It was during this time that ministries of Divine Healing came into existence. Also at this time Phoebe Palmer, the wife of a prominent physician in New York and a leading teacher in the Holiness movement, labeled the doctrine of 'entire sanctification' as the 'Baptism of the Holy Ghost.' It seems the Holiness movement was okay with the new Holy Spirit moniker as well as embracing other spin-off movements, which included healing ministries and Pentecostal "experiences," but when the issue of "tongues" was recognized by Pentecostals as the initial evidence of being Baptized in the Holy Ghost, the Holiness movement went its own way. 

The American Holiness movement that started in the middle 1800s continues to this day but has fractured into various denominations that cover the globe.

Another important feature of the American Holiness movement was the number of major revivals that branched from its teachings and continued into the 20th century. For example, the Healing revivals of the 1940s were rooted in the Holiness movement. The 1940s healing revivals brought to prominence men like Evangelists Oral Roberts and TL Osborn. Also the decade spawned other movements like the Latter Rain movement and Salvation crusades such as the Billy Graham Crusades. It seems that God linked revival movements together, sustaining the second Great Awakening in America to the end of the 20th century. 

If you remember, the second Great Awakening started in the midnight hour of the 1700s, and continued through the 19th and 20th century with pocket revivals, the Holiness movement, and many other works of grace right up to the end of the 20th century. 

The 1960s and 1970s were the years of the Charismatic Renewal, Jesus Movement, and the Word of Faith Movement. Dr. Bill Hamon said recently, while being interviewed on TBN, that the decade of the 1950s was the decade of the Evangelist. The decade of the 60s was the restoration of the Pastor. The decade of the 70s was the restoration of the Teacher. The decade of the 80s belonged to the Prophets and the 1990s the Apostle. Now that the Five-fold ministry has been restored to its place in the Body, the new millennium will see the ministry of the Saints. The laity will be equipped to do the work of ministry. 

I believe that God is raising up a united front of believers (no names) and bypassing solo ministers who try to go at it alone, for the "Third Great Awakening." This unified front is the laity who will minister in large teams as one, for one purpose. 

I believe they are being positioned now by the Holy Spirit. The baton is being passed to a new generation of people who will walk under great anointing to preach the gospel in the "Third Great Awakening." 

Could the third Great Awakening come in the beginning of the new millennium? It certainly could. The spiritual environment of America is ripe for it. In the past, Awakenings came about as the result of widespread spiritual complacency in the nation. It appeared that God brought these great movements of the past to ready men's hearts for coming national tragedies (Revolutionary war, War of 1812, Civil War, WWI, WWII, and etc.). The 20th century was a century of evil and blood shed. It has been said that it was the century of the devil. There were two world wars, many smaller wars, ethnic cleanings in European nations, death and property destruction by race riots in America, an attempt to exterminate an entire race of people by Hitler, and much, much more evil.

No doubt about it, the century we just left was a nightmare. But one must remember that God was not asleep during the 20th century. He raised up a standard against the satanic onslaught of the 20th century. During this time, God brought forth some of the greatest movements in the history of the church. For example, Evan Roberts in the early 1900s cried out for revival in his country of Wales, and God heard him and sent a worldwide explosion. The revival that turned Wales upside down spread to America and was the forerunner to the Azusa outpouring in Los Angeles, California. From the Azusa outpouring, the revival spilled over America and to the uttermost with the Baptism in the Holy Spirit.

Moreover, another feature of the American Holiness movement, as it jumped into the 20th century, was the unique opposition it faced. What am I referring to? I'm referring to an unusual opposition, which can be identified as a particular Western mindset that had been developing since the Renaissance. For example, from the fourth century onward, Western culture as a whole held to a Christian concept that regarded natural disaster, such as earthquakes or floods, as judgments from God. Such calamities were considered a call to all people everywhere to repent from evil and turn to faith in God. 

Somewhere along the line a predominate number of people began to see natural disasters as accidental or irrelevant to God's purposes. From this mindset came the belief that God was no longer Sovereign. He no longer controlled the events of history. Also, miracles didn't happen any more, and it was foolish to believe such nonsense. When revivals brokeout in the 20th century, they were opposed by this mindset. Because of the prevalence of this attitude, the 20th century would not see the restoration of cities and economies like it did in the First Great Awakening. 

The Bible says that we are to believe Him for who He is-Almighty God. Because He is Almighty, He can do anything but fail. As long as we have a heart to believe that God is still the same miracle working God that He has always been, we will experience the miraculous in our lives; however, if we think God has lost control and is weaker than He was during Pentecost, we will miss many supernatural events that are soon coming. 

There are two secular movements-one of the 18th and one of the 19th century that stripped God of His Sovereignty. In his book that he co-authored with Peter Bocchino, Unshakable 
Foundations: Contemporary Answers to Crucial Questions about the Christian Faith, Norman Geisler talks about the secularization at work during the 19th century. 

One powerful force that opposed Christianity and is still affecting lives today was a philosophy propounded by a German atheist, Friedrich Nietzche. He's the intellectual that coined the phrase, "God is dead and we have killed him." In simple, Nietzche asserted that the myth of God's existence, which was once widely believed, died, and that the myth of objective values died with him. 

He believed that there was no meaning to life, except the meaning man gave to it. Hitler was influenced by this philosophy. Another secular force at work during this time came about in the middle of the 19th century. In 1859 Charles Darwin published his book on macroevolution, On the Origin of Species. People were ripe for the godless theories it stated. They readily embraced Darwin's teaching and man was lowered to the level of animals. 

One final feature of the Holiness movement, was its split from the Pentecostals because of their belief that "tongues" was the initial evidence of being baptized in the Holy Spirit. When the Azusa outpouring began, people came from around the world to receive the gift of "tongues," and then carry the gift back to their part of the world.

Typical of what happens when great moves of God break out, the explosion happens first, and then men try to explain the explosion by doctrines later. When one of Charles Parham's Bible students, Agnes Ozman, received the Baptism of the Holy Ghost and began speaking in tongues, Parham made an assignment for his students. He wanted them to study the Bible, and list every occurrence of Holy Spirit Baptisms in the New Testament. They were then instructed to list the one thing that manifested with it. 

Overwhelmingly the students reported "tongues" to be the initial evidence of the Holy Spirit Baptism. Later when the Azusa outpouring was going strong in Los Angeles, California, the Reverend William Seymour, a Holiness preacher who led the early Azusa outpouring, came into conflict over the doctrine of sanctification with William Durham. Durham said that sanctification was a progressive work of holiness being worked out in the believer by the Holy Spirit. He said that the Baptism of the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in tongues was not the work of sanctification but an experience subsequent to salvation. 

Sanctification was a work of the Holy Spirit in the life of the believer, which continued the entire lifetime of the believer. Seymour, being a true Holiness preacher who had received the Baptism of the Holy Spirit with tongues, disagreed. He said that salvation was first, then entire sanctification, and then the Baptism of the Holy Spirit with tongues, last. They never resolved the issue and eventually went separate ways.

The issue has never been settled. The Holiness churches that teach "entire sanctification" still believe that sanctification is a Divine work of the Spirit to seal the Salvation experience with power. They are opposed to "tongues" being the sole or initial evidence of the Baptism in the Holy Spirit. 

And, then again, there is a group of sincere Christians that believe the Reformed doctrine of Martin Luther. They believe sanctification is a progressive work of the Spirit, continuing throughout the lifetime of the saint. They do not teach "entire sanctification" nor the Pentecostal experience of being baptized in the Holy Spirit and speaking in tongues. 

However, some groups in the Reformed tradition believe there is first Salvation, then the Baptism of the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in tongues, and then progressively sanctification of a believer is worked out a believer "walks in the spirit and not the flesh." Nevertheless, no matter how you pronounce potato, it's still a potato. If one is hungry for God and seeks a deeper walk, one will find a more intimate, a more satisfying experience of Him if they keep searching for Him.

So, I've given you some of the important features of the Holiness movement from its inception in the middle 19th century to its split from the Pentecostal movement of the 20th century. One important point to remember from this document is God's desire to use simple prayers and insignificant people who simply have a burning and passion for God, to reach their community and nations. The Bible warns us against sneering at small beginnings. No matter how big the move, it started with a seed. Once again, I believe that God is stirring up revival winds. The wind of His Spirit is getting ready to fan the flames, until revival is burning out of control. Are you ready? 

Holiness to Pentecost 2015 || Holiness to Pentecost 2015 || Holiness to Pentecost 2015 || Holiness to Pentecost 2015
Holiness to Pentecost 2015 || Holiness to Pentecost 2015 || Holiness to Pentecost 2015 || Holiness to Pentecost 2015

"From Holiness to Pentecost"

In the postscript of his book entitled, A Survey of 20th-Century Revival Movements in North America, Richard M. Riss makes the following comments:

A resurgence of Evangelical Christianity has been coming about in America since the late 1940s...If the current resurgence continues, it will provide a milieu conducive to the incidence of an awakening of far greater statistical significance and considerably more extensive societal impact than the earlier revivals of this century...

Should God raise up sufficient intercessors for revival, there is a real possibility that a momentous 'Third Great Awakening,' not only in North America but throughout all Christendom, will explode on the modern scene.

Many are alluding to a spiritual awakening in Christendom. I, for one, agree with Mr. Riss and believe that ministers who are calling for a spiritual awakening, especially in America, are right on with their prophetic insight. 

I believe that the coming spiritual awakening in America alone will surpass the impact of the American first and second Great Awakening(s) of the 18th, 19th, and 20th century revivals. If God can intervene in the affairs of man as He has done throughout recorded history, then He will have no problem bringing about the greatest revival in the history of man. I believe this. 

In continuing my series entitled, "An Awakening is Coming," I'd like to conclude the series by documenting some of the important features of the American Holiness movement that began in the middle 19th century, up to the time when it separated from the Pentecostal movement.

One of the important features about the American Holiness movement was the foundation it served for the revivals of the 20th century. It was John Wesley's teaching on "entire sanctification" that started the American Holiness movement. In simple, Wesley's doctrine spoke of a divine work of the Holy Spirit in the life of the believer, subsequent to salvation. From this teaching came many seekers searching for a greater depth to their salvation experience. Because they came seeking, the Lord blessed them with much more. 

It was during this time that ministries of Divine Healing came into existence. Also at this time Phoebe Palmer, the wife of a prominent physician in New York and a leading teacher in the Holiness movement, labeled the doctrine of 'entire sanctification' as the 'Baptism of the Holy Ghost.' It seems the Holiness movement was okay with the new Holy Spirit moniker as well as embracing other spin-off movements, which included healing ministries and Pentecostal "experiences," but when the issue of "tongues" was recognized by Pentecostals as the initial evidence of being Baptized in the Holy Ghost, the Holiness movement went its own way. 

The American Holiness movement that started in the middle 1800s continues to this day but has fractured into various denominations that cover the globe.

Another important feature of the American Holiness movement was the number of major revivals that branched from its teachings and continued into the 20th century. For example, the Healing revivals of the 1940s were rooted in the Holiness movement. The 1940s healing revivals brought to prominence men like Evangelists Oral Roberts and TL Osborn. Also the decade spawned other movements like the Latter Rain movement and Salvation crusades such as the Billy Graham Crusades. It seems that God linked revival movements together, sustaining the second Great Awakening in America to the end of the 20th century. 

If you remember, the second Great Awakening started in the midnight hour of the 1700s, and continued through the 19th and 20th century with pocket revivals, the Holiness movement, and many other works of grace right up to the end of the 20th century. 

The 1960s and 1970s were the years of the Charismatic Renewal, Jesus Movement, and the Word of Faith Movement. Dr. Bill Hamon said recently, while being interviewed on TBN, that the decade of the 1950s was the decade of the Evangelist. The decade of the 60s was the restoration of the Pastor. The decade of the 70s was the restoration of the Teacher. The decade of the 80s belonged to the Prophets and the 1990s the Apostle. Now that the Five-fold ministry has been restored to its place in the Body, the new millennium will see the ministry of the Saints. The laity will be equipped to do the work of ministry. 

I believe that God is raising up a united front of believers (no names) and bypassing solo ministers who try to go at it alone, for the "Third Great Awakening." This unified front is the laity who will minister in large teams as one, for one purpose. 

I believe they are being positioned now by the Holy Spirit. The baton is being passed to a new generation of people who will walk under great anointing to preach the gospel in the "Third Great Awakening." 

Could the third Great Awakening come in the beginning of the new millennium? It certainly could. The spiritual environment of America is ripe for it. In the past, Awakenings came about as the result of widespread spiritual complacency in the nation. It appeared that God brought these great movements of the past to ready men's hearts for coming national tragedies (Revolutionary war, War of 1812, Civil War, WWI, WWII, and etc.). The 20th century was a century of evil and blood shed. It has been said that it was the century of the devil. There were two world wars, many smaller wars, ethnic cleanings in European nations, death and property destruction by race riots in America, an attempt to exterminate an entire race of people by Hitler, and much, much more evil.

No doubt about it, the century we just left was a nightmare. But one must remember that God was not asleep during the 20th century. He raised up a standard against the satanic onslaught of the 20th century. During this time, God brought forth some of the greatest movements in the history of the church. For example, Evan Roberts in the early 1900s cried out for revival in his country of Wales, and God heard him and sent a worldwide explosion. The revival that turned Wales upside down spread to America and was the forerunner to the Azusa outpouring in Los Angeles, California. From the Azusa outpouring, the revival spilled over America and to the uttermost with the Baptism in the Holy Spirit.

Moreover, another feature of the American Holiness movement, as it jumped into the 20th century, was the unique opposition it faced. What am I referring to? I'm referring to an unusual opposition, which can be identified as a particular Western mindset that had been developing since the Renaissance. For example, from the fourth century onward, Western culture as a whole held to a Christian concept that regarded natural disaster, such as earthquakes or floods, as judgments from God. Such calamities were considered a call to all people everywhere to repent from evil and turn to faith in God. 

Somewhere along the line a predominate number of people began to see natural disasters as accidental or irrelevant to God's purposes. From this mindset came the belief that God was no longer Sovereign. He no longer controlled the events of history. Also, miracles didn't happen any more, and it was foolish to believe such nonsense. When revivals brokeout in the 20th century, they were opposed by this mindset. Because of the prevalence of this attitude, the 20th century would not see the restoration of cities and economies like it did in the First Great Awakening. 

The Bible says that we are to believe Him for who He is-Almighty God. Because He is Almighty, He can do anything but fail. As long as we have a heart to believe that God is still the same miracle working God that He has always been, we will experience the miraculous in our lives; however, if we think God has lost control and is weaker than He was during Pentecost, we will miss many supernatural events that are soon coming. 

There are two secular movements-one of the 18th and one of the 19th century that stripped God of His Sovereignty. In his book that he co-authored with Peter Bocchino, Unshakable 
Foundations: Contemporary Answers to Crucial Questions about the Christian Faith, Norman Geisler talks about the secularization at work during the 19th century. 

One powerful force that opposed Christianity and is still affecting lives today was a philosophy propounded by a German atheist, Friedrich Nietzche. He's the intellectual that coined the phrase, "God is dead and we have killed him." In simple, Nietzche asserted that the myth of God's existence, which was once widely believed, died, and that the myth of objective values died with him. 

He believed that there was no meaning to life, except the meaning man gave to it. Hitler was influenced by this philosophy. Another secular force at work during this time came about in the middle of the 19th century. In 1859 Charles Darwin published his book on macroevolution, On the Origin of Species. People were ripe for the godless theories it stated. They readily embraced Darwin's teaching and man was lowered to the level of animals. 

One final feature of the Holiness movement, was its split from the Pentecostals because of their belief that "tongues" was the initial evidence of being baptized in the Holy Spirit. When the Azusa outpouring began, people came from around the world to receive the gift of "tongues," and then carry the gift back to their part of the world.

Typical of what happens when great moves of God break out, the explosion happens first, and then men try to explain the explosion by doctrines later. When one of Charles Parham's Bible students, Agnes Ozman, received the Baptism of the Holy Ghost and began speaking in tongues, Parham made an assignment for his students. He wanted them to study the Bible, and list every occurrence of Holy Spirit Baptisms in the New Testament. They were then instructed to list the one thing that manifested with it. 

Overwhelmingly the students reported "tongues" to be the initial evidence of the Holy Spirit Baptism. Later when the Azusa outpouring was going strong in Los Angeles, California, the Reverend William Seymour, a Holiness preacher who led the early Azusa outpouring, came into conflict over the doctrine of sanctification with William Durham. Durham said that sanctification was a progressive work of holiness being worked out in the believer by the Holy Spirit. He said that the Baptism of the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in tongues was not the work of sanctification but an experience subsequent to salvation. 

Sanctification was a work of the Holy Spirit in the life of the believer, which continued the entire lifetime of the believer. Seymour, being a true Holiness preacher who had received the Baptism of the Holy Spirit with tongues, disagreed. He said that salvation was first, then entire sanctification, and then the Baptism of the Holy Spirit with tongues, last. They never resolved the issue and eventually went separate ways.

The issue has never been settled. The Holiness churches that teach "entire sanctification" still believe that sanctification is a Divine work of the Spirit to seal the Salvation experience with power. They are opposed to "tongues" being the sole or initial evidence of the Baptism in the Holy Spirit. 

And, then again, there is a group of sincere Christians that believe the Reformed doctrine of Martin Luther. They believe sanctification is a progressive work of the Spirit, continuing throughout the lifetime of the saint. They do not teach "entire sanctification" nor the Pentecostal experience of being baptized in the Holy Spirit and speaking in tongues. 

However, some groups in the Reformed tradition believe there is first Salvation, then the Baptism of the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in tongues, and then progressively sanctification of a believer is worked out a believer "walks in the spirit and not the flesh." Nevertheless, no matter how you pronounce potato, it's still a potato. If one is hungry for God and seeks a deeper walk, one will find a more intimate, a more satisfying experience of Him if they keep searching for Him.

So, I've given you some of the important features of the Holiness movement from its inception in the middle 19th century to its split from the Pentecostal movement of the 20th century. One important point to remember from this document is God's desire to use simple prayers and insignificant people who simply have a burning and passion for God, to reach their community and nations. The Bible warns us against sneering at small beginnings. No matter how big the move, it started with a seed. Once again, I believe that God is stirring up revival winds. The wind of His Spirit is getting ready to fan the flames, until revival is burning out of control. Are you ready? 

Holiness to Pentecost 2015 || Holiness to Pentecost 2015 || Holiness to Pentecost 2015 || Holiness to Pentecost 2015
Holiness to Pentecost 2015 || Holiness to Pentecost 2015 || Holiness to Pentecost 2015 || Holiness to Pentecost 2015

Saturday, May 30, 2015

Agenda of ISSA-I

Agenda of ISSA-I

The aviation industry is one of the fastest growing industries in the world. It can be viewed as making a positive contribution to sustainability. ISSA, international, multi-disciplinary symposium, aims to address current issues in the field of aviation such as improving aircraft fuel efficiency, fostering use of biofuels, minimising environmental impact, mitigating GHG emissions and reducing of engine and airframe noise.

The Symposium welcomes a large number of topics as follows, but not limited to:
Sustainable aviation and aerospace vehicle
Sustainable aircraft, helicopters, missiles, launchers and satellites design, technological change, innovation, research and development
Mathematical modeling, numerical/experimental methods, optimization
Green aircraft
Green airlines
Green airports
Green engine
Green aerospace vehicle
Renewable energy sources; alternative/green aviation fuels
Energy recovery systems, alternative/renewable/clean energy technologies
Life cycle design and life cycle assessment; cost efficiency; waste / recycling
Environmental Modelling & Software
Environmental impacts and measurement techniques: emissions/noise/radiation, global warming/climate change
Mathematical modeling, numerical/experimental methods, optimization
Air conditioning and refrigeration applications of aircrafts
Energy, exergy, performance analysis, flight mechanics and computational fluid dynamics
Performance analysis
Flight mechanics
Computational fluid dynamics
Propulsion technologies for aerospace vehicles
Combustion instabilities, innovative combustion technologies
Mathematical modeling, numerical/experimental methods, optimization
Avionics and auto control
Auto control
Aerospace vehicle materials, measurement techniques and sensors
Design, management, planning, development
Aerospace vehicle strategic planning, governmental legislation, policy-making
Aviation management, fleet planning/scheduling; air traffic management; future air transport
Airport design, management, planning, development
Aircraft maintenance, repair and overhaul; airworthiness, reliability/safety

Lakshmi Vilas Bank Recruitment 2015 – Relationship Officer Posts - AtoZ Freshers.Net

Lakshmi Vilas Bank Recruitment 2015 – Relationship Officer Posts - AtoZ Freshers.Net

Friday, May 29, 2015

HCL Mega Walk In For Freshers On May 26th 2015 - AtoZ Freshers.Net

HCL Mega Walk In For Freshers On May 26th 2015 - AtoZ Freshers.Net

AtoZ Freshers.Net

AtoZ Freshers.Net


Job Summary

Senior Developer
Technical Skills-ECM-Fatwire
3-5 Years

Apply Link Official

Accenture Job Openings for IB - Resources-SI - 09

Accenture Job Openings for IB - Resources-SI - 09 

Job Location:Mumbai 

Job Number:19608 

Apply Online

Job Description


Schedule: FULL-TIME

Resources- Consultant

Border Security Force (BSF) jobs for Asst. Commandant in Anywhere in India. Last Date to apply: 23 Jun 2015

Eligibility : BE/B.Tech(Auto, EEE, Marine, Mechanical Engineering)

Location : Anywhere in India

CBSE 10th Result 2015 : -

CBSE 10th Result 2015 : -

Dear students who are looking for their CBSE 10th Result 2015

RPSC Results 2015 – Grade II Teacher (Science) Written Test Results

RPSC Results 2015 – Grade II Teacher (Science) Written Test Results

RPSC Results 2015 – Grade II Teacher (Science) Written Test Results:

IACS Recruitment 2015 – Junior Research Fellow & Research Associate Posts

IACS Recruitment 2015 – Junior Research Fellow & Research Associate Posts

IACS Recruitment 2015 – Jr Research Fellow Posts:

Delhi University Recruitment 2015 – 577 Teaching, Assistant & Other Posts

Delhi University Recruitment 2015 – 577 Teaching, Assistant & Other Posts

Delhi University Recruitment 2015 – Apply Online for 463

Thursday, May 28, 2015

Today Recruitment Notifications - Apply Online

Official SBI PO -2015 Call Letters Released

SBI PO Pre.Exam Training Call Letters Out :

L&T Infotech Walk-in Drive For Freshers/Exp On 29th May & 1st June 2015

Company Name:  L & T (Larsen & Toubro )   

Qualification: Any Graduates

Experience:  0 to 2 Yrs (Freshers)

BSNL 2015-16 Notification Out for Management Trainees :: Govt Jobs

Company Name : Bharat Sanchar Nigam Ltd. (BSNL)

Designation : Management Trainee

Experience : 0 - 1 yrs ( Freshers)

Genpact Hiring Graduates On 29th & 30th May 2015

Genpact Hiring Graduates On 29th & 30th May 2015

Company Name: Genpact

Qualification : Any Graduates

Experience :  0 to 4 yrs

Thursday, May 14, 2015

6 Lakh Salary Offered ABB Ltd || Job Openings for Freshers/Exp On May 2015

6 Lakh Salary Offered ABB Ltd || Job Openings for Freshers/Exp On May 2015

Company Name : ABB Ltd

Experience :  0 - 1 Yrs

Qualification : Any Graduates

Salary : Rs 5 - 6 Lakhs/Yr

Location: Across India

TCS Mega Walk-in Drive for Freshers / Experienced On 15th May 2015

TCS Mega Walk-in Drive for Freshers / Experienced On 15th May 2015

Company Name: TCS

Qualification: Any Graduates

Experience: 0 to 2 Yrs

Location: Chennai

Salary: As Per Industry

Wipro Mega Recruitment Drive || Hiring In 14 Locations || Freshers

Wipro Mega Recruitment Drive || Hiring In 14 Locations || Freshers

Company Name : Wipro

Qualification : B.Tech/B.E.

Experience : Freshers

Location :
Bangalore, Bhubaneshwar, Chennai, Coimbatore, Greater Noida, Gurgaon, Hyderabad, Kochi,Cochin, Kolkata, Mumbai, Mysore, Pune, Visakhapatnam

Salary : 2.75 - 3.25 LPA



Company Name : Tata Steel

Qualification: Any Graduates

Experience: 1 to 2 yrs

Flipkart Off-Campus Drive for Freshers || 2013 / 2014 Batch On 19th May 2015

Flipkart Off-Campus Drive for Freshers || 2013 / 2014 Batch On 19th May 2015

Company Name: Flipkart

Qualification:BE / B.Tech / MCA

Experience: Freshers

Location: Bangalore

Salary: Best in Industry

Resume Tips for freshers Dos and Donts

Little things like updating your CV and applying for jobs that meets your requirements will fetch you better results, writes T Muralidharan, Managing Director, TMI e2E Academy.

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Today Job List in Top 10 MNCs

Infosys Job Openings for freshers Click here apply

Tech Mahindra Job Openings for freshers Click here apply

Amazon Job Openings for freshers Click here apply

Cap Gemini Job Openings for freshers Click here apply

Igate Job Openings for freshers Click here apply

Accenture Job Openings for freshers Click here apply

IBM Job Openings for freshers Click here apply

3i Infotech Job Openings for freshers Click here apply

Sonata Job Openings for freshers Click here apply

Netskope Software India hiring Information Research Engineer

Netskope Software India hiring Information Research Engineer 

Information Research Engineer

Eligibility : BE/B.Tech

Location : Bangalore

Job Category : IT/Software

Last Date : 30 Jun 2015

Job Type : Consultant Jobs

Hiring Process : Written-test, Face to Face Interview

Skills: C , C++, HTML /JavaSript / CSS / Ajax, Java / J2EE, PHP / MySQL, Oracle, MicroSoft(MS) SQL, Microsoft(MS) Access, iPhone Development, Android Development, Mobile Testing, SAP / Cognos / ABAP, Perl, Linux / Unix, Software Testing / QA, Telecom Software
Netskope Software India pvt ltd - Job Details

Netskope Software India pvt ltd 
Looking for Information Research Engineer

BE/B.Sc (Computer Science)/MCA
0-1 years of experience
Familiarity with basic networking concepts like IP, DNS etc.
Good communication skills - the daily task involves communicating with application vendors over Email, Chat and Voice
All positions will be on a contract basis for 6 months.
 Some of these might eventually convert to full time.

Apply Now

Company Profile
Netskope is the cloud app analytics and policy company which is one of the most promising startup in the world. We help people safely use their favorite cloud apps so the business can move fast, with confidence.

With a technical team of leading or founding architects and engineers from leading networking and software companies including Juniper, Cisco, Palo Alto Networks, VMWare and McAfee, the company has gone from founding to launch in less than a year.

Endeavour systems hiring Process Associate

Endeavour systems hiring Process Associate 

Process Associate
Eligibility : BBA/BBM, MBA/PGDM(Banking & Finance, General Management, Operations Mgmt, ), B.Com
Location : Bangalore
Job Category : Finance
Last Date : 22 May 2015
Job Type : Full Time
Hiring Process : Face to Face Interview, online test
Endeavour systems - Job Details
Designation: Process Associate
Eligibility: B.Com, BBA/BBM, MBA/PGDM
Experience: Fresher
Job Profile:
Will serve as a member of the Accounts or Insurance Process team.
Will report to the Team Lead.
Will require an individual who has a previous and demonstrated ability of success in Using computers and internet extensively
Working on web-based applications
Viewing and capturing details
Ability to establish priorities, work independently, and proceed with objectives with minimum supervision.
Ability to handle and resolve recurring problems.
Desired Candidate's Profile:
Graduate with minimum 45% aggregate.
Candidates awaiting final year results can also apply but should fulfill the following criteria
Minimum 45% in first year and second year respectively.
Should not have any back papers.
Good oral and written communication skills
Knowledge of MS word and Excel
Willingness to work in any shift.
Location: Bangalore

Apply Now

Company Profile
Endeavour Systems is an organized recruitment services in India. Over the years, we have been the preferred recruiters to multinationals and leading Indian businesses to emerge as the leading recruitment brand nationally, combined with our role as trusted consultants for Indian professionals.

Our roots in management consulting enable us to bring a unique approach to recruitment. Our focus has always been on the middle and the senior management talent needs. We recruit across various industry segments for multinational corporations as well as leading Indian business houses and over the past years, we have helped shape the careers of over 4000+ professionals.

Our organization is HQ in Bangalore, India – and has international presence in two cities New York, USA and New Jersey, USA. We have over 15 consultants who bring with them over 200 man years of experience with leading Indian and international companies. We operate through domain-specialist teams spread across the country, providing customised recruitment solutions across 16 industry verticals.

Cyzentech hiring Java Developer

Cyzentech hiring Java Developer 

Java Developer
Eligibility : Any Graduate
Location : Hyderabad
Job Category : IT/Software
Last Date : 31 May 2015
Job Type : Full Time
Hiring Process : Face to Face Interview
Skills: HTML /JavaSript / CSS / Ajax, Java / J2EE
Cyzentech - Job Details
Designation: Java Developer
Qualification: Any Graduate
Skill Set: Core Java, Adv Java, Spring or Struts with Hibernate
Experience: 0-3years
Location: Hyderabad
Salary: as per company standards
Apply Now

Company Profile
It is one of the best Software Development, Outsourcing and training company based in Dubai and Hyderabad. We have 5+ years of experience with a vision to grow and excel, has now grown to 250+ IT Professionals. We have extensive & in-depth knowledge be it Website Design; Application Development our experience in managing technology projects, right from selecting tools and platforms, to implementing information technology solutions has shown results.

Altisource hiring Operations Analyst in Bangalore

Altisource hiring Operations Analyst in Bangalore 

Operations Analyst
Eligibility : BE/B.Tech(CSE, IT)
Location : Bangalore
Job Category : IT/Software
Last Date : 12 May 2015
Job Type : Full Time
Hiring Process : Written-test, Face to Face Interview
Altisource - Job Details

Eligibility :
B.E/ B.Tech ( CSE / Information Systems /IT) candidates from 2014 batch
Candidates willing to join immediately can only apply
Understanding the data/system needs of the business and developing integrated MIS systems for creating reports to be presented to management
Good understanding the system design and have worked on data integration projects
Creation and maintenance of analytical tools to discover trends and track/analyze performance of operations and third-party service providers
Providing ad hoc analysis to facilitate management decision making
Developing a good understanding of the operations of all department processes and providing analytical support as needed
Key Result Areas:
Work in conjunction with the other team members in the gathering of the detailed reporting requirements
 Deliver all operations reports to management in a timely and accurate manner
 Understanding and customization of the tools used for the various processes
Understand business process needs and develop process workflows
Act as a liaison between various team members, both internal and external
Drive organization-wide initiatives on automation, improved reporting and analysis of operations
Proficient in Microsoft Excel and Power Point
Good working knowledge of SQL queries
Good in communication
Prior experience in a operations analyst role is preferred
Apply Now

Company Profile
Altisource™ provides services to some of the most respected organizations in their industries, including one of the nation’s largest sub-prime servicers, government agencies and many lenders, servicers, investors, mortgage bankers, credit unions, financial services companies and hedge funds across the country.

We leverage 20 years of servicing and 60 years of debt collection experience to provide services and technologies that span the mortgage lifecycle from origination through REO asset management, in addition to asset recovery and customer relationship management. Our 24 / 7 global operations include more than 6,000 employees.

Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) jobs for Assistant Director (Electrical/ Mechanical/Textile/Chemical) in Anywhere in India. Last Date to apply: 28 May 2015

Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) jobs for Assistant Director (Electrical/ Mechanical/Textile/Chemical) in Anywhere in India. Last Date to apply: 28 May 2015 

Assistant Director (Electrical/ Mechanical/Textile/Chemical)Date of posting:11 May
Eligibility : BE/B.Tech(chemical engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Textile /Leather Technology, Electrical)
Location : Anywhere in India
Job Category : Core Technical, Govt Jobs
Last Date : 28 May 2015
Job Type : Full Time
Hiring Process : Face to Face Interview
Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) - Job Details
Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) 
Advt. No . 09/2015
Assistant Director Jobs recruitment inUnion Public Service Commission (UPSC)
Assistant Director (Quality Assurance) (Gr II) (Electrical)
Vacancy No : 15050901609
Qualification : B.E. /B.Tech. in Electrical Engineering from a recognized University or passed Associate Membership Examination Part I and Part II of the Institution of Engineers (India) in the above disciplines of Engineering or Technology. Desirable : One year experience in manufacturing or processing or development or testing of Engineering Stores related to Electrical Engineering or Technology.
No. of Posts : 1 (UR)
Department/Office : Department of Commerce Supply Division
Pay Scale : Rs. 9,300-34,800/-
Age Limit : 30 years
Assistant Director (Quality Assurance) (Gr II) (Mechanical)
Vacancy No : 15050902609
Qualification : BE/B.Tech in Mechanical Engineering from a recognized University or passed Associate Membership Examination Part I and Part II of the Institution of Engineers (India) in the above discipline of Engineering or Technology. Desirable : One year experience in manufacturing or processing or development or testing of Engineering Stores related to Mechanical Engineering or Technology.
No. of Posts : 2 (UR-01, OBC-01)
Department/Office : Department of Commerce Supply Division
Pay Scale : Rs. 9,300-34,800/-
Age Limit : 30 years
Assistant Director (Quality Assurance) (Gr II) (Textile)
Vacancy No : 15050903609
Qualification : B.E./B.Tech. in Textile Engineering from a recognized University or passed Associate Membership Examination Part I and Part II of the Institution of Engineers (India) in the above discipline of Engineering or Technology. Desirable : One year experience in manufacturing or processing or development or testing of Engineering Stores related to Textile Engineering or Technology.
No. of Posts : 3 (UR-01, OBC-01, SC-01)
Department/Office : Department of Commerce Supply Division
Pay Scale : Rs. 9,300-34,800/-
Age Limit : 30 years
Assistant Director (Quality Assurance) (Gr II) (Chemical)
Vacancy No : 15050904609
Qualification : B.E/B.Tech. in Chemical Engineering from a recognized University or passed Associate Membership Examination Part I and Part II of the Institution of Engineers (India) in the above discipline of Engineering or Technology. Desirable : One year experience in manufacturing or processing or development or testing of Engineering Stores related to Chemical Engineering or Technology.
No. of Posts : 1 (UR)
Department/Office :  Department of Commerce Supply Division
Pay Scale : Rs. 9,300-34,800/-
Age Limit : 30 years
Assistant Director (Quality Assurance) (Gr II) (Paper)
Vacancy No : 15050905609
Qualification : B.E/B.Tech. in Paper Engineering from a recognized University or passed Associate membership examination Part I and Part II of the Institution of Engineers (India) in the above discipline of Engineering or Technology. Desirable : One year experience in manufacturing or processing or development or testing of Engineering Stores related to Paper Engineering or Technology.
No. of Posts : 1 (UR)
Department/Office :  Department of Commerce Supply Division
Pay Scale : Rs. 9,300-34,800/-
Age Limit : 30 years
Application Fee : (a) Candidates are required to pay a fee of Rs. 25/- (Rupees Twenty five) only either by remitting the money in any branch of the SBI by cash or by using net banking facility of the SBI or by using visa/master credit/debit card. (b) No fee for SC/ST/PH/Women candidates of any community. No "fee exemption" is available to OBC male candidates and they are required to pay the full prescribed fee.

TOSHIBA An Off-Campus Recruitment Drive through

TOSHIBA An Off-Campus Recruitment Drive through
Job Details - Trainee Engineer - 2015 Batch
‘At TSIP, we don't just offer you a job; what we give, is a life's perspective'

Eligibility :

BE/ B.Tech (CS/ IT/ IS) candidates from 2015 batch with an aggregate of 70% & above throughout 10th, 12th and UG.       
Job Description :

Design & Development of Software Components for Multi-Functional Peripheral, Semiconductor & Social Infrastructure.
Languages used C & C++   
Skills (Mandatory) :

C/ C++ and Linux/ Any OS Internals.   
Salary : INR 5 lacs P.A

Last Date : 15th May 2015    

Top MNCs Off Campus Drive Registration Link

Accenture Job Openings for freshers 2015 : Click here to Apply

Infosys Job Openings for freshers 2015 :Click here to Apply

Tech Mahindra Job Openings for freshers 2015 : Click here to Apply

Wipro Job Openings for freshers 2015 :Click here to Apply